Photo by Karyme França How many dreams do you think you could write down? This year seems to be the year of dreams for my family. We have felt this overarching theme where God is calling us to dream and dream big. One way to do that is to write down 100 dreams you have for your life. I wouldn’t have realized this, but we have heard people tell us to write down 100 dreams three times this...
5 Truths About Writing 1,300 Articles on Medium
Photo by Anete Lusina on Subsplash I started my Medium account in 2017. Then, in 2019, when you could earn money writing, I signed up for the Medium Partner Program. I have been there ever since. This week, I published my 1,300th post on Medium, and looking back, I wanted to share a few things about my experience writing on Medium. 5 Truths About Writing on Medium These truths might even be...
Don’t Rely on One Platform to be Your Cash Cow
Photo by Live Ransijn via Unsplash I have increased my writing income by 25% or more over the last five years. This year, however, after one quarter, it looks like I might have a dip in my annual income. Looking at the numbers it is a little demoralizing. My hope was to try and make enough this year to break free of my job in one to two years. However, with last quarter’s numbers, and this...
Finding Your Book Niche for Your Self-Publishing Empire
Photo by Negative Space on I have been self-publishing for five years now and found that your book niche is essential to figure out the front end of things. Sure, some years I haven’t written books during this time. And other years, I have published multiple books in a year. Things always ebb and flow. It’s not hard to do the work. But life has gotten in the way at times. I...
Back and Better Than Ever: My Return to Blogging
Photo by Sincerely Media on Unsplash I’ve decided to come back to my blog and start blogging again. Okay. Okay. Okay. I have said this before. But this time, I think it is going to stick. I mean it this time. But you might ask yourself, “Why are you returning to your blog? Isn’t blogging dead?” Well, you know what? I don’t know if it is dead. However, I can tell you...