I write an entire blog post without editing. At first, anyway. You should do this if you want to become a better writer. This might even seem straightforward, but so many writers like to write and edit simultaneously.
Today, I will tell you why you should stop writing and editing. Also, I will give you some helpful insight into how you can write first, edit later, become more productive and become a better writer.
Stop Editing While Writing
When I first started writing, I would write and then edit. Write and then edit some more. And then write and edit a little bit more. Writing one post of about 1,000 words would take me two hours.
Then, I would go ahead and edit it some more (another 30 minutes) and then finally format and publish it. Sometimes it would take me three hours to write one post. It was agonizing.
Then, I learned something. I should stop editing while writing. Here are three reasons why you should stop editing while writing:
- When you write and don’t edit, you can get into a flow state of writing. This will allow you to write more quickly and keep your work in a consistent flow for your reader and yourself.
- Writing without editing allows you to discover the entire post. Once you finish writing your first draft, your editing can begin. Breaking your writing down into steps like this will help you get faster at writing and editing.
- Editing needs to be done on its own. You cannot expect yourself to look at a post objectively if you are editing it simultaneously as writing. You need to be able to have the complete piece before you edit it properly.
These three reasons are driving factors for why you need to stop editing while writing. They are essential for you and your reader. Most of all, they will teach you to become a better writer.
Writer First, Edit Later
It’s been five years since I started writing. These days, I can write the first draft of about 1,000 words in 30 to 40 minutes. Editing takes far less time. Sure, I used Grammarly to help me edit more quickly, but the task doesn’t have to take forever either.
All that to be said, this is why I use the three bucket system. Remember: ideas, drafts, edits? This system is perfect for helping you go from ideas to writing to editing to published posts in no time at all. It also enables you to get into the rhythm of writing first and editing later.
If you want to become a better writer, you need to stop writing and editing simultaneously. You need to register first, edit later, and know that you can start publishing faster.
This is how you become a better writer.
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J.R. Heimbigner is a #1 Bestselling Author on Amazon who loves helping people grow in their faith, find productivity success, and help writers become authors. You can connect with him on Medium, his website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Faithful.
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