I haven’t consistently published on my blog for more than two years.
And it’s a damned shame. After all, this is where it all began. I created consistent content here from 2017 to 2019.
Then Covid hit, and other opportunities led me away from my treasured website and blog. I haven’t published all that much this year, either.
And while that has been true, I think it’s time to return to this space. After all, I own it. I don’t have to answer to gatekeepers or algorithms.
I have control over what it looks like and what you can read in this space. And while I do need SEO to help get eyes on it, that will come over time. It did before.
So, I have returned to my blog and will be much more consistent in 2023. As such, I wanted to re-introduce you to my content and pages here.
Let’s start with the website and blog itself.
When you first come to my page, you hit the home page, where I share a little about myself, my vision for writing, and a little of my background.
Then, if you dig into my about page, you will learn a little more about me. This isn’t a sales page. It is all about my journey as a writer and an author.
There is my book page, of course. And yes, there are links to my books. It is a great place to check out all of them and if you are interested in any of them, head on through the links.
Lastly, there is a page of resources. I share with you resources I have found helpful over the years on this page. Some of them are free, and some you would pay for, though. On that page, anything you purchase is an affiliate link, and I use those products too.
That is the general overview. However, I also want to share four other pages with you.
Niche-specific pages.
I have four specific pages I like to share with people because they are topics I want to write about, and I am slowly growing followers there. These are the spots:
- J.R. Heimbigner Writes: about writing and self-publishing.
- The Dividend Investing Dad: Investing, Passive income, and side hustles.
- Transformed Faith: Christian faith writing.
These three spots are different topics that you can connect with me on Substack.com. Each is an email list where I will share my latest and greatest content.
I also provide writing and publishing services.
The last thing I want to highlight is my writing and publishing services. Starting in 2023, I want to spend more time working with people on self-publishing and online content.
More specifically, I want to spend time freelancing in these areas. There are two ways to connect: Directly and through FIVERR.
Why am I picking FIVERR? Because I think it has some potential for organic reach and gives me a place to practice and grow simultaneously.
Plus, I feel it is important to work my way up in what I will charge for my services. So, that is the last place to check out.
Final Thoughts on Coming Back To My Blog
I am excited to be back here and publish regularly. It is an excellent opportunity for me, and I hope it will be a great way to connect with you.
I’d love for you to poke around and then leave a comment on this post on what you think about my updates. If there are things I need to change or things you like, please let me know!