How many dreams do you think you could write down?
This year seems to be the year of dreams for my family. We have felt this overarching theme where God is calling us to dream and dream big.
One way to do that is to write down 100 dreams you have for your life.
I wouldn’t have realized this, but we have heard people tell us to write down 100 dreams three times this year so far. And so, I have started to do it.
The funny thing is, it’s a difficult task. I’m sitting at 30 so far.
Yet, I have started to find myself more hopeful than ever before. It is as if there is a power to dream dreams. It seems to bring out a new life in me that has excited me about everything I am doing.
So, today, I want to encourage you to start writing down your 100 dreams.
Pray over that list, ask God what he thinks of the things on your list, and see what happens as you write them down and think about them more.
You might just be surprised.
The most recent reminder of writing down 100 dreams came from this sermon from Danny Silk at Jesus Culture Church in San Diego. Listen to it here.
J.R. Heimbigner is a #1 Bestselling Author on Amazon who loves helping people grow in their faith and helping writers become authors. You can connect with him on Medium, his website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Substack!
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In the middle of the night, I devised a plan, and it is the basis for my book, Productivity Sucess.
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