I turn 40 today.
This feels a little crazy to me. 40 years is a long time. I have seen a lot. Sure, not as much as 50, 60, or 70. But a lot of things have happened in the last 20 years even.
And I have by no means perfected life by age 40. Yet, I have learned a few lessons that I thought I might share today. Maybe you can identify, let me know in the comments.
A Few Lessons While I Am Turning 40
Okay, here are a few things I have been thinking and reflecting about as while turning 40. I hope you find the interesting, and maybe you will identify with a few as well.
Let go of the expectations you had when you were 20.
Twenty years ago, I thought I knew where I would be when I was 40, but looking back at my journals from that time, I definitely didn’t see the twists and turns life would take me on. It would be easy to feel bad for not achieving the things I set out when I was 20, but there have been some amazing things that have happened instead.
Never stop learning.
If there is one thing I tell people all the time, it’s to never stop learning. There is so much to learn in our world and it is always changing. So why not keep learning new things, experiencing new experiences, and enjoy the things you can learn.
Don’t be a jerk. Be kind.
It’s so easy to be a jerk. Culture and experiences tend to push us toward thinking we know better than other people. And then, because it is so easy to share our opinions (online or in person), we think we should share them even if they are unkind. Before you act on that urge, ask yourself this question, “is this helpful?”
Question everything.
Just because a doctor says something, doesn’t mean it’s always right. Just because your boss tells you to do something that seems immoral, doesn’t mean you should do it. Just because you read it online, doesn’t mean it’s right for you. It’s okay to ask questions.
Embrace the journey.
I like to complete tasks, achieve goals, and accomplish grand things. Sometimes those things don’t work out or they take long than we think. It’s important to embrace the journey and find the lessons to help you grow along the way.
Be Thankful.
Every year is a blessing. Jobs come that you love and they are great. Your family loves you and you love them. Where you live now is where you are supposed to be. What you have is so great and you should enjoy it. Be thankful everyday.
Experiences over Stuff.
I like nice things as much as anyone else, but the experience that I have had are the things we tell stories about because they mark our lives. Sure, a nice car is great, but being able to travel the world or enjoy something my kids enjoy is way better than a nice car.
We were made to create.
I believe that part of the mandate God gave us in the very beginning of humanity is to create things. So go out there and create. Maybe that is something at work or something at home. Whatever it is, you have a creative potential that needs to be poured out.
Never stop dreaming.
Sure, there are disappointing things in life. We have failed at tasks and goals. We have had dreams that were never realized, but we were made to dream and believe in the impossible. Don’t let your discouragement and disappointments keep you from chasing your dreams.
Slow down and…
Enjoy good cup of coffee, a great book, a rocking chair on the porch, the sunset or sunrise, the wind in your hair, a walk in the park, holding hands with your spouse, a hug from your kids (or grandkids), a moment of silence. Slow down and enjoy a little peace.
You can only control what you can control.
Everything else is out of your control and you cannot worry about it. Sure, you can try to prepare for external forces, but I believe you need to focus more on the internal ones, the actions and decisions you can control. If you can do this, you will have a lot more happiness in life.
Don’t let your emotions control you, but listen to them.
Your emotions can inform you about something. If you are sad, angry, or worried, that means something is wrong. Find out what is wrong and see what you can do about that, don’t just react to how you feel, learn from how you feel.
The more I know, the more I realize I don’t know.
We can accumulate knowledge. There is a lot to learn, but the more I learn things, the more I realize I don’t know. Don’t get stuck in what you know now and think that is all you need. See what you don’t know and be willing to find out about that too.
God is real.
I have seen people physically healed. I have experienced the presence of God in ways that are so hard to describe. I have had prayers answered and dreams that could not have been made up from my own mind. And if God is real, than he can do remarkable things for me and you.
Turning 40: A New Adventure
Tim McGraw has this song called “My next 30 years.” In it, he talks about things that he is going to change because life is different after 30. For me, that is turning 40.
My next 40 years are a new adventure. And I can’t wait to make them the best years of my life.
This list of lessons learned are probably the tip of the iceberg to what I will learn in the next 40 years. And maybe, some of them won’t even matter after another 40 years.
But I am excited for the adventure to come.
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